Park Lane & Mayfair


Your first time… Your first time…

If you’ve never enjoyed the intimate and friendly excitement of spending a few hours with an escort, then you may be a little nervous on your first visit, and that’s completely normal. After one of our ladies encountered a client recently who was treating himself to a Park Lane and Mayfair lady for the first…

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Three’s company Three’s company

Our ladies are an amiable lot. What is meant by that is that although they enjoy the intimacy of a one-on-one encounter, we’re also very favourably disposed towards couples. Most of our ladies enjoy watching the interaction between couples and appreciate that they can bring an additional frisson to their relationship. Despite still being in…

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Top tips for lingerie Top tips for lingerie

Our ladies know A LOT about lingerie, so our expert opinions are worth hearing. You probably expect us to recommend crotch-less knickers or peek-a-boo bras, but we have different advice for you. Choose lingerie that makes a woman feel comfortable. If you want lingerie as a tool of seduction and to tease and tantalise, the…

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Our Ladies safety always comes first Our Ladies safety always comes first

This is a subject we get asked a lot about – Some people imagine nasty, brutish clients who loathe women and hire escorts so they can act out perverse fantasies. Or they fear being struck down with some terrible disease. The best way to be safe in London is for escorts to work with a…

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Need a helping hand? Need a helping hand?

In the olden days (the 18th and 19th centuries), it was a rite of male passage that an older man would often pay for his son or other relative to visit a selected lady and be introduced to the world of female comfort. In the right circumstances, it would have been a good idea for…

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Making life easier for our clients… Making life easier for our clients…

There are countless websites dedicated to those who are looking for an escort in London. If you research, you’ll soon discover that some agency websites are better managed, more inviting, and less complicated to use than others, like our website. It’s constantly updated with the latest beautiful companions, and we have the best selection of…

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Treat her like a lady… Treat her like a lady…

You see, it all boils down to you considering and understanding that our ladies are also human beings with needs and desires. We’re not saying you have to treat them like your wife and ensure that they have an up-to-date washing machine or a new car each year as well as a whole wardrobe of…

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We won’t bite We won’t bite

We have had people who make bookings and can’t go through with their appointments. Having our girls waiting at your pretend you are not there is un-gentlemanly door while you. This will only cause upset and aggravation in even the best of the girls. You must understand that our Park Lane and Mayfair escorts take…

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Passionate ladies for any occasion Passionate ladies for any occasion

I consider myself a passionate girl in the most obvious sense of the word. I put as much energy into my emotions as I do into every part of my life. However, I’m uncomfortable, and my newest client surprised me. He was a referral from a fellow London escort who was too poorly to make…

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Whatever tickles your fancy Whatever tickles your fancy

The most exciting parties are the ones where you have to wait to be told the venue at the very last minute. London holds many mysteries, whether you are going somewhere like Chelsea or something lesser known for its nightlife like Sloane Square. My client lives in the more popular area of the city, and…

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