Park Lane & Mayfair

Most escorts will make an effort, and usually, they are immaculately groomed, too, from top to toe. And most escorts will always have painted long nails for a date unless they’ve been invited to something which requires more casual dress. So, meeting with a staff staffin member guarantees you’ll meet with someone with manicured nails. However, we usually always request that your escort for the evening wear ears,h and so far, requests like these have never been refused.

A client says:

“I’ve been meeting escorts in London for a few years now; it’s a great way to spend an evening without all the hassle of having a relationship. They are so amenable; they treat you well, give you their full attention and always do everything possible to ensure you finish the evening feeling satisfied with your date. They’ll also go that extra mile to dress in a certain way for you if that’s what you want, which suits me right down to the ground as I have a bit of a fetish about nail polish.”

So, whatever you’d like to see your companion wearing for your date, just let us know, and we can probably guarantee that you will have your perfect lady for the evening wearing precisely what you wish…

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