Park Lane & Mayfair

When you finally get to meet up with your chosen escort, remember to act naturally. Be friendly and open; use your sense of humour to help her and you relax. If you’ve decided to meet in a bar or restaurant, this will give you time to get to know each other a little before intimacy begins. If you’re meeting at your hotel room or her place, take a few moments to chat and develop some rapport. Compliment her on her hair, her dress, or the thing that you find most appealing about her, from her eyes to the way she laughs. Women love compliments, especially if they’re genuine!

Sharing a couple of drinks is always an excellent way to break the ice, although you may find that some of our ladies prefer not to drink when they’re with clients. Whatever they choose to do, you should respect their decision and not try to force them into drinking alcohol with you. It’s also a good idea to discuss exactly what you hope to achieve during the meeting so there’s no disappointment if they’re not prepared to offer a particular service. This also allows you to end the session early and re-arrange with someone who can fulfil all your desires.

If you’ve enjoyed your time with one of our Park Lane and Mayfair escorts, we hope that you’ll want to see them again; maybe you’d like to set up a regular meeting with the exact escort, or perhaps you’d like to experience some time with one of our other gorgeous girls.

If you’ve had a perfect time, perhaps you’ll want to see her regularly and allow your relationship to develop. On the other hand, you may prefer the excitement and thrill of meeting with a new girl each time. This, of course, will depend entirely on your particular preference, although do bear in mind that you’ll probably get priority treatment as a regular client, which can prove very helpful when making bookings in the future.

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