Have our top London ladies ever refused to meet up with a client who had contacted Park Lane and Mayfair? A customer asked us the other day. It’s a good question and one that I’m sure many people would like to know the answer to. And we’ll give it to you now – yes. We are a fair and honest agency, and if our ladies don’t want to see a client, they are perfectly entitled not to see them. Our ladies don’t have to give a reason, but some of our ladies have not seen clients for different reasons;
One scenario was a bit of a moral issue. She was aware the client had a large family and that there were money problems. She couldn’t justify that he was spending his money coming to see her – not when children at home wanted to be fed and clothed. She explained to him her reasons b butt I’m not sure he understood them. She hasn’t seen him for some time – we hope that’s a good sign. Sometimes, I fall for clients and make life a little awkward for them. They like to keep a strict distance between their personal and working life. When strong feelings come into it, that distance diminishes, and things get messy. They had to stop seeing them as a client. Sometimes, they know the client briefly as a boyfriend. Ultimately, she can’t handle the fact that she met other men through her work. An. Yes, that’s where she first met him, in case you were wondering. What’s good for the goose isn’t great for the gander, it appears…
Another time an escort stop seeing a client is because of the reverse scenario, i.e. he had fallen for her – in a big way. At first, his devotion was excellent, but he became obsessed and overbearing to see her exclusively, which was impossible for her and not how she worked. Then, the gifts would arrive daily. Of course, the girl likes receiving gifts (that women wouldn’t), and it’s normal for clients to buy a lady a little something now and then. But the skills of this obsessive client were over the top – expensive jewellery with his name and hers engraved on it,subst, antialias big cuddly toys and flowers by the cartload. T, it became embarrassing.