Park Lane & Mayfair

I consider myself a passionate girl in the most obvious sense of the word. I put as much energy into my emotions as I do into every part of my life. However, I’m uncomfortable, and my newest client surprised me. He was a referral from a fellow elite London escort who was too poorly to make her date. This client was a bit of a character.

One of my favourite words in the English dictionary is ‘passion’. Without passion, the world would be dull, and no one would become excited about anything. There’s the passion you show your partner between the sheets when you just grab them and shake the hell out of them, a love for arts or music and the passion of a couple arguing in the middle of the street.

Dressed for the wintery weather and with a beaming smile, we met at Queens Gate. The first thing that riled me was that he looked me up and down before shaking my hand. And even though, for the most part, he was a gentleman, he was pretty rude. As the cloud and the wind picked up, my mood became equally cold. This client had got the better of me and started to irritate me. We walked and talked from Queens Gate to Kensington without eye contact and at least three feet apart. Then we went to an expensive restaurant where the conversation was littered with insults. He criticised the food, the service, and my table manners and was horrid. Eventually, I could take no more, so I left and came home.

When I reached home, I was so angry. I slammed my front door shut and kicked a chair across the room. How dare he! And I was so annoyed with my colleague for giving me such a vile client.

The next day, I had a text which explained that the client had arranged dates with our agency to have a perfect fight with the escort. A passionate woman aroused him, and I had left him speechless. Well, that explained it, and after that, I stopped giving him a hard time. So, slipping into character, I asked what he thought he was playing at being extremely horrid to me, and his voice immediately animated. Before I knew it, he was yelling all sorts of obscenities and asking if I spoke to all my boyfriends that way. It was somewhat surreal but oddly quite satisfying.

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