Park Lane & Mayfair

We have all made mistakes when it comes to love. The sad thing, however, is that we continue making the same mistakes while expecting a different reaction or outcome. This, of course, is absurd since it is impossible to get different results when you continue doing the same thing.

Some men repeatedly make the same mistakes when attracting women. They have yet to realise their mistakes; only the results show that they can only stay in relationships for short periods.

Here are a few common mistakes men make that we would like to point out to you to help you understand and change things.

You don’t understand women!

Regarding attraction, women and men are on two different levels. Men tend to feel attraction towards women based on their looks, and then they can build from there. Women, on the other hand, feel attraction through emotional connection. There are certain qualities that women look for in a man, which link to the way he makes her feel. If you don’t learn how to use body language or communicate correctly, you may never be able to snag the woman you want.

It’s not all about the money!

If you see an attractive, well-put-together woman, we can assure you that she’s making enough money to look after herself and is proud to be independent. The last thing that she needs is a man flaunting his money in front of her face. Do women find that attractive? No. Would she be willing to go out with you again? Probably not unless she’s a Park Lane and Mayfair escort.

Looks are the last thing on her mind.

Let us share this piece of information with you. No woman likes a man who knows he’s good-looking! These men tend to be vain and selfish, and these qualities are a sure-fire turn-off! We’re not saying that if you are beautiful, make yourself ugly, but how you care for your looks will determine whether you have a fighting chance.

When it comes to attraction, remember that men and women are different. Whatever you are thinking, she’s feeling the total opposite. Talk to your female friends and family. Have an open mind if you want to learn all there is to know about women and what attracts them to men. If you can do that, you can have any woman you want because it’s all about skill!

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