Park Lane & Mayfair

Today, for me, is a small taster of what a 9-5 job is all about. Samuel, a massive media mogul, is spending some time in his London offices, and I am Paula, his assistant for the day.

I have spent time with Samuel on many occasions as his favourite London escort. I have accompanied him to dinner functions and overseas business trips, but this is a different twist to our usual meet-up. So, leaving my elite escort façade behind and off to Tower 42, I shall go, dressed in my tight pinstripe pencil skirt, sharp fitted blouse exposing just enough cleavage to look professional and suspenders with no underwear for our 2 pm meeting in his office. Samuel will be in a top-floor office suite with floor-to-ceiling windows and frosted doors for privacy. His giant marble-topped be the primary setting for any dictation or secretarial duties I may be required to perform for him.

He’s given a window from 9 am to 5 pm to get him worked up for our meeting. So that involves me prancing around his office, dropping the occasional fax and bending down oh-so-discretely to retrieve it, bringing in his coffee and leaning across him, maybe brushing my chest past him if we run into each other in the corridor and the odd suggestive e-mail. We may even have a Sharon Stone moment in Basic Instinct if he’s lucky and happens to walk out of his office, past my desk as I chew on the end of a pencil seductively and cross and uncross my legs under the table just for him to see.

It is easy as a high-class escort when you have spent time with one client on so many occasions to pick up on their desires and fantasies. Plus, Samuel is in his late 40s, charming, witty and very handsome,e so playing out the sexy secretary will be fantastic with him.

Even having our lunch break together in a nearby café will be exciting and work us both into a frenzy. Trying to look professional whilst knowing he’s thinking about me with no underwear on and miming our bodies to look like we are discussing facts and figures will be hugely tricky when I am describing precisely what I am going to do to him in full view of London beneath us. No one could see up that high, but we will be able to see the City rushing by as we get the meeting underway.

So if you wanted to book sexy Paula to do a bit of typing for you, or anything else you had in mind, then give us a call – Park Lane and Mayfair are always happy to assist in any extra duties that need doing at the office.

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