Park Lane & Mayfair

Being with an older woman, or indeed a mature escort, is sometimes somewhat different than being with a young woman. It’s not just her age and appearance; there’s wisdom that’s hard to describe. You’d have to spend time with one to understand truly, but when you consider the simple facts, you’ll begin to see the sense in what we’re saying.

An older woman has a wealth of experience. There’s a relaxed feeling around a mature escort; of course, you can still relax with a young lady; it’s just that when you take a grown woman out to dinner, you’ll find conversing easier and more fluid, you will also find conversations with her varied. She will value your company more than any younger woman because she has enough experience to realise the importance of the date.

In terms of intimacy, it’s fantastic if you have an older woman who likes to be intimate a lot. It’s simple, really, but having said that, intimacy with a young lady can be good too; it’s all relative to how much experience she’s had.

You will always find older women to be more open-minded. They’re ready to embrace new ideas and be more liberated. As for mature escorts, what happens between you and your date is between you, of course!

You’d be amazed at how many men book mature escorts, and it’s not just young guys; some older men appreciate the attentions and natural affection of a grown woman, too. Not all older guys want young women. Older guys can sometimes become frustrated by a younger woman’s knowledge and inexperience.

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